The Arthurian legend has endured many hundreds of years and is still just as compelling as it was when it originated. It is like a constant soap opera, a story that everyone is interested in and one that people want to know the ending. The Arthurian legend has all the elements needed to keep people interested which are romance, battles, and chivalry. Everything in the Arthurian legend is cleverly crafted and everything happens for a reason, and people always want to know that reason.
"Gawain took his new bride in his arms. And thus, in wonder and in joy the marraige of Gawain and the lady Ragnell began." (Sir Gawain and the Lady Ragnell, p 24). Every Arthurian legend has romance in it. In this case the respectful Gawain gave Ragnell the choice to choose for herself and she turned into the prettiest lady in the land. Even in the movies romance is a big part of the legend. In Camelot for example Gwenyvere was on her way to get married to Arthur and saw Lancelot and they instantly fell in love. Another example is the the Lady of Shalott. "Under tower and balcony, by garden-wall and gallery, a gleaming shape floated by, dead pale between the houses high..." Lady of Shalott). Lady of Shalott she was so in love that she gave up her life for Lancelot. It does not get much more dramatic and gracefully beautiful as this poem. In each story there is that dramatic love that people are drawn to and romance you can only find in stories such as the Arthurian legend.
Legends of this time also include many battles and violence, which makes a story interesting and something that most people like to read abut for the glory. There are knights in shining armor with their powerful weapons, squires, gargantuan horses, shields bearing their kingdom's symbol, and battles with blood. "Sir Lancelot took another spear, and unhorsed sixteen more of the King of North Galys' knights..."(Le' Morte D' Arthur, p 124). People love hearing about the courage, strength, and honor that these knights carry. People want to be like these knights and carry the honor that they carried. They want to know about the Arthurian battles where the famous Lancelot and Gawain fought because their legend has been passes from generation.
The Arthurian legend is a unique legend that cannot ever be replaced. It is a legend that has numerous stories of courage, chivalry, and romance all in the perfect mix. The drama of each story keeps people on the edge of their seats and makes them want to learn more and read more. The Arthurian time period was a very unique time that still is passed from generation to generation today, and will continue to be passed on and endure thousands of more years of time.